Sydney, Australia (PRWEB) June 21, 2012 has just come out with the latest marketing news update from CEO and leading Internet business expert and coach James Schramko. In this recent video, he talks about a variety of topics, starting with the four stages of crisis management.
If youre the kind of person whos always putting out fires, then you may want to be aware of the four stages, Schramko volunteers. The first stage is when the kids are playing with the matches. The second stage is when the flame has started and things are just starting to burn. The third stage, things are really flaring up, and the fourth stage is really out of control and theres no saving it.
Echoing the sentiment of prevention is better than cure, he points out, As a good leader and a good manager, what you want to be doing is spending a lot more time putting in standard operating procedures so you dont have kids playing with matches in the first stage, and certainly you want to be very quick to spot a fire so things like feedback mechanisms doing spot checks and audits and process stop points to make sure that things are under control early are going to save you from getting those large flames.
From crisis management, he moves on to the topic of membership sites, offering this very useful tip: What you want to do is you want to have a founders member offer so that you could have a lower price. Save out this level of pricing for people who give you their loyalty to take the risk and join in the early phase. What you do then is you put the price up so then all of the people in the early low price are getting a recurring loyalty bonus for coming in early. This strategy is great for increasing the retention of a membership site. The foundation members feel looked after and tend to stick around.
As for press releases, Schramko encourages giving a more media rich experience to their audience by including a video. Its a much more compelling message than having just a simple text press release, he maintains, adding that a seriously good press release these days has all the following elements in place: a quote, a video, a logo, a picture, and a contact for media enquiries.
Schramko also offers a suggestion regarding generating profit. Revisit a lot of the assumptions that have caused you to have the business you have right now, he urges, instructing the audience to question assumptions theyve made about their competitors, customers, prices, team members, the things that they could possibly do, etc. Its his observation that growth occurs when someone gets rid of some limiting belief or assumption. You can build your business much stronger and much faster when youre open-minded to possibilities or breakthroughs.
When it comes to interviewing people, he tells his audience to be really curious. Ask the questions that someone would like to ask if they were there. Because your audience is not there to ask the questions, its your job to represent them and to think of what you should ask that they would be dying to know, Schramko explains. He also supports the idea of not having too much structure to make way for a more dynamic exploration in the exchange. Besides this, he presses his audience to make an interview entertaining. He pronounces boring people to be a sinful act, quipping, Im sure a small cat dies somewhere in the world every time you bore someone.
Schramko wraps up the news update with a final tip on updating systems. He gives this example: Lets say Im now updating my training system, so Ill go and make a new file and call it Training 2 and then Ill move everything from Training 1 into Training 2 if I still need it. If I dont need it then it stays there. Eventually, I can archive everything thats left and that is now no longer required.